The Retired Employees Association of Jacksonville

Approximately 2,550 retired and current city employees and their beneficiaries belong to the City of Jacksonville Retired Employees Association. Members receive benefits from the General Employees and Correctional Officers Pension Plan and from the Police and Fire Pension Plan; and the association is looking for more members.The association was organized 50 years ago to promote, protect, and enforce the pension rights of its members as retired persons receiving a pension payment from the city of Jacksonville.

We are a very active organization with emphasis o protecting and strengthening pension benefits of all members. By joining the organization, members lend their support to our aims and mission of serving retirees. Association representatives, elected by the membership, serve on the General Employees Board of Pension Trustees and the Pension Advisory Committee as well as the Police and Fire Advisory Committee.

But we offer more than hard work. There are quarterly membership meetings with interesting and informative programs. You’ll have the chance to interact with friends at the several social events each year. You’ll receive a newsletter with articles of interest to retirees and future retirees. Put the knowledge and experience you have gained through City employment to work for you in the retirement years.

We need your membership to maintain the strong Organization we have become. IN NUMBERS THERE IS UNITY, IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH, IN STRENGTH THERE IS POWER.